Human Resources & Recruitment

Rapid AI-driven hiring accelerates Nebula’s product launch by 9 months

Data Engineering & Analytics
Cloud & DevOps
Quality Assurance

Nebula aimed to revolutionize talent acquisition for generative AI and NLP to expand its engineering team to meet a critical go-to-market deadline in late 2023.However, slow-moving talent procurement delivered lower quality engineers incapable of working on its complex, machine-learning projects. 

Andela provided high-quality talent from eight countries across Africa using the Andela Adaptive Hiring model. Nebula initially hired 10qualified engineers within days. Ed Donner, CTO, expanded this to 25 Andelans in less than six months, representing 80% of his IT team. This process was more than twice as fast as he had ever done before.

The rapid hiring and onboarding model enabled Nebula to expedite its products by up to nine months, ensuring a timely market launch without compromising talent quality.

Hear more on how Nebula broke the iron triangle

Web App
Cloud Monitoring
Test Automation
Manual Testing
Front-end Developer
Back-end Developer
QA Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Top-rated, highly skilled global talent pool
Faster time to hire

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