Brilliance Doesn’t Have
a Zip Code

When you need experienced, skilled technologists you have two choices: Compete in saturated, expensive local hiring markets. Or find who you need in the vast, untapped talent pools of emerging markets. Like we do.

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Connect with diverse, untapped hiring markets

Jeremy Johnson

Co-Founder & CEO

Face less competition

Untapped is just that: qualified talent who are ready to get started.

Lower labor costs

Hire expert technologists at a fraction of local rates.

Get greater value

Hire senior level talent for affordable rates.

Hire flexibly

Full time or part time. Individuals or teams. In-house or managed by us.

Make the world your hiring pool

There are highly-skilled technologists all over the world. And they’re ready to tackle your most pressing projects.

Put skills and experience over geography

The technologists you need could be anywhere in the world. Many are in untapped markets including Latin America and Africa. Find them quickly in the Andela talent marketplace.

Create 24/7 coverage

Hiring across time zones means projects get done faster. Better still, global teams can collaborate, hand off, and tag-team to keep projects on time and on budget.

Find the qualified talent you need

Andela gives you access to highly skilled technologists, many in overlooked markets. So your pool of qualified talent expands dramatically. Rather than limiting your search to focused regions, your hiring has global reach.

Untapped doesn’t mean unproven


Countries to hire from


Technologists on our roster


Tools, frameworks, and in-demand technologies


Businesses are satisfied with Andela talent quality


Month average engagement length


Total technologists in Africa and Latin America

Meet the people who are changing the way the world works


Build the tech team of the future with Andela


Let us know how we can help