Hiring the Best Is Now
Fast and Easy

Access the world’s largest pool of top technical talent. Our exclusive AI-powered platform optimizes the process of finding your perfect matches quickly and getting your projects started fast.

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Discover the Andela difference

Get quality talent in a fraction of the time

Our proprietary approach brings together an
AI-powered platform and seasoned hiring professionals.
Make hiring easier
Andela Talent Cloud drives an intelligent and frictionless process throughout the hiring lifecycle.
Count on certified top talent
We provide industry leading upskilling, education, and networking.
Get the support you need
Through recruitment, acquisition, training, qualification, matching, 
and delivery.
Enjoy premium service
You get all-inclusive service 

from customer and talent 

success teams.

Tap into the world’s largest, certified, global talent pool

Highly skilled digital talent is vetted by a multi-step certification process. That’s why Andela clients report 98% satisfaction.

Applicant Screening

All applications are reviewed to ensure they meet our qualification standards, have the right professional experience, and pass background checks.

English Language Proficiency

Andela Talent Cloud administers an AI-powered test that measures applicants’ ability to communicate effectively in English.

Technical Coding Challenges

Andela Qualify evaluates problem solving and programming skills with more than 500 coding challenges. Applicants must be able to explain their approach and reasoning.

Live Technical Interview

Next, we conduct a live interview to dive deep on technical skills in real time, and gauge other key factors like communication, professional skills, collaboration, and work style. The live interview is recorded and reviewed by our team before they’re certified.

Profile Setup and Verification

Once talent has passed through the certification process, they finish setting up their profile, and complete final verifications to join the certified talent network.

Here’s how fast and easy it is

Tell us what you need

Our seasoned team helps identify and refine requirements for your job or project, then provide whatever support you need through searches, interviews, hires, and onboarding.

View a curated list of profiles

Andela provides a short list of the very best talent for the job, all certified by Andela Qualify, to streamline the time-to-hire and optimize your time interviewing.

Interview and hire best-fit talent

You decide which candidates you want to interview, and schedule directly through Andela Talent Cloud. You’ll have complete online transparency to their profiles, including assessment scores and prior experience reviews.

Leave the groundwork to us

Once you have identified talent for specific roles or a managed team, Andela ensures a rapid, seamless, and frictionless onboarding process.

Enjoy world-class support

Dedicated client success managers oversee end-to-end project management, guide team members, manage stakeholder relationships, resolve technical gaps, provide post-implementation support, and continually improve best practices.

Meet the experts who ensure your success

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Client Success
Your client success partner is your primary contact, responsible for all your projects and filling your positions. They work with both you and the talent to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Talent Success
They work behind the scenes with talent to coordinate pre-kickoff arrangements, onboard, coach, and collect performance feedback throughout your engagement.


Build the tech team of the future with Andela


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