How ShowClix Overcame Tech Debt by Leveraging a Global Talent Pool

Cloud & DevOps
Application Development

ShowClix, a technology solution provider for event organizers, depended on local hires and recent graduates to staff their engineering teams. As these candidates accepted opportunities elsewhere with larger tech companies, ShowClix was left with unfilled job postings, delays in hiring, and a backlog of application development and DevOps needs. ​

To overcome this, ShowClix partnered with Andela and onboarded eight engineers to execute core work on the company’s SaaS platform, using skills like Golang, SQL, React, and more.​

The partnership significantly reduced time-to-hire, resulting in a consistent hiring pipeline. With a fully staffed engineering team, ShowClix's was able to overcome tech debt and move development forward.​

REST APIs / Microservices
Software Maintenance & Upgrades
Manual Testing
Web App
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Full-stack Developer
Front-end Developer
Back-end Developer
Top-rated, highly skilled global talent pool
Faster time to hire

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