Media Research

How Meltwater Drastically Reduced Source Monitoring Time by 99.7%

Application Development
Data Engineering & Analytics

Meltwater, a rapidly expanding platform specializing in social media data and analytics, sought a strategic partner to facilitate growth by modernizing their applications to increase customers’ usage and improve data quality, reliability, and availability.

Andela deployed a dedicated team of full-stack engineers that re-wrote Meltwater’s Angular applications with React, developed new features for their web and mobile media and asset management applications, and enriched customer data tables with metadata. This work slashed source monitoring time by 99.7% from 14 days to one hour, greatly improving Meltwater’s ability to quickly collect data signals and make data-formed decisions.

Impressed with the high-quality of work, Meltwater embedded Andela engineers throughout its mobile development, prompt engineering, and design teams. This collaboration expedited Meltwater’s ability to modernize its applications and created a more efficient, engaging customer experience.

Data Pipelines & ETL
Data Automation
Web App
Back-end Engineer
Full-stack Engineer
Front-end Engineer
Top-rated, highly skilled global talent pool
Faster time to hire

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