Apr 3, 2024

Qualified and Learnosity Partnership: Bridging the Skills Gap with Developer Assessments

Jake Hoffner
2 minutes

By Jake Hoffner, Sr Director Product Management, Andela

Qualified, powered by Andela®, kicked off its highly anticipated partnership with Learnosity, the global leader in assessment solutions, on March 6th, 2024. Together, Qualified and Learnosity prepare technologists, both students and professionals, to build a fulfilling development career by enriching their skill stack through real-world code assessments.

Learnosity transforms the learning experience by delivering best-in-class assessment APIs so businesses and educators can upskill, reskill, teach, and train their learners. By partnering with Qualified, the leading technical skills assessment platform to identify, qualify, and certify top engineers, Learnosity offers its clients an assessment solution that can prepare students for a career in tech and upskill existing software professionals in new and emerging skills using real-world code challenges.

Assessments identify skill gaps, while upskilling fills them. Together, they ensure a skilled and adaptable technical workforce, driving innovation and maintaining competitiveness. Access to ongoing assessment and upskilling opportunities will play a key role in hiring strategies moving forward and make technical talent more adaptable and valuable to employers.

By continuously updating their skills, employees become better equipped to meet evolving needs of the business and contribute to new projects or initiatives. This versatility can help talent easily transition into different roles or take on additional responsibilities.

According to McKinsey, around 82% of global executives expect that reskilling and upskilling will be at least half of the solution to their persistent skill gaps. 

Learnosity’s integration with Qualified flexibly administers and scores assessments, so clients know how to best support their learners. Learnosity clients can now leverage Qualified’s pre-built assessments and templates or custom-build challenges to fit their needs. Qualified’s intuitive coding environments, developer-friendly IDE, rich language features, and modern unit-testing frameworks are all thoughtfully designed with the developer experience in mind.

“Learnosity and Qualified make great partners because we both share a deep commitment to delivering best-in-class assessment experiences for learners worldwide,” says Gonzalo Zawadzki, Director of Technical Partnerships at Learnosity. “Thanks to Qualified, we can now seamlessly extend our assessment engine to give coders authentic learning experiences that simulate real-world scenarios. We’re excited about the future of this collaboration.”

As a 5-star category leader on G2 loved by users, Qualified is a platform built by developers, for developers. With over 1 million data points benchmarked, Qualified offers a curated library of crowd-sourced code challenges from Codewars’s 4 million developer community, allowing precise benchmarking based on extensive historical data from millions of tests. It hosts over 500 pre-built, highly configurable code challenges that assess today’s most-used frameworks and libraries, including front-end, back-end, and data science technologies.

Qualified recognizes that one-size-fits-all solutions are often counterintuitive to learning. Assessment takers aren’t constrained to predefined solutions. Instead, they have the freedom to create and be scored on their own unique solutions. This encourages creative problem-solving and critical thinking -- skills highly valued in software development. Additionally, Learnosity’s clients can also build their own assessments from scratch. This way, they can be sure that they’re administering relevant assessments capable of meeting curriculum needs, certification criteria, or assessment goals.

The exciting partnership with Learnosity and its 40 million+ active learners amplify Qualified’s impact on tech learners across the globe, laying the groundwork to connect brilliance with opportunity, so everyone wins. For a preview on how the Qualified x Learnosity integration works, check out the video below!

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