Join Andela's EPIC Tournament

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Solve the problems of the future of work with Andela's EPIC Tournament

Applications are now open for the techie challenge, with a $10,000 prize pot, swag, and much more!

Calling all coders!

It's official; the future of work is remote. According to Owl Labs, 56% of global companies currently allow remote work, while 16% of global companies are now remote first. But despite the increasing popularity of the remote workplace, challenges arise that can prevent workers from enjoying a seamless WFH experience, from poor connectivity to cybersecurity breaches. 

The problems encountered in this future of work need solutions, and that's where technologists come in. At Andela, we've created an experience that will not only enable developers worldwide to collaborate with the tech community and test their skills but allows them to build life-changing solutions that can positively impact remote workers around the world. 

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the EPIC Tournament, the techie challenge of 2022! Upskill in coding, grow your community, and win $10,000 USD in cash prizes with the EPIC Tournament! Back of the net!

The EPIC Tournament is a game of two halves, featuring two challenges - a coding challenge and a hackathon - that can help you grow in different ways. 

In partnership with HackerEarth, the tournament invites elite technologists to work in teams and prototype solutions that will positively impact the growing global remote workforce. 

The first stage, a coding challenge, is a fun way to enhance your problem-solving skills and put yourself in a time-limited environment to level up your coding skills. The 3-hour challenge allows you to code your way up to the leaderboard. 

The second stage, a hackathon, enables you to hone your product-building skills, increase your confidence in working with new technologies, and improve your collaboration skills. A shortlist of 16 teams, four from each region, will get exclusive access to the EPIC Remote Worker Hackathon, where you could spend ten days working on your hack before presenting your solution to a panel of judges. The teams with the top three strongest solutions in terms of Creativity, Impact, Feasibility, and Scalability will be awarded prizes worth $10,000 in cash and swag from Andela and our partners. 

The EPIC Tournament participants can be located anywhere in the world but must choose a country to represent within the four different regions: Americas, Europe, Middle East & Africa, or Asia-Pacific. 

The EPIC Tournament has meaning for Andela as a whole. The word EPIC not only represents our values as a company, it also encapsulates the ethos of this tournament. We encourage each team of developers to be EXCELLENT in their abilities, PASSIONATE about the work they're creating, demonstrate INTEGRITY throughout the game, and COLLABORATE successfully with their teammates. 

Speaking about the hackathon, Michael Starkenburg, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Andela, says: 's Äö√Ñ√∫Through the EPIC tournament, we are creating an experience that will help developers across the world to test their skills and collaborate with others while potentially developing meaningful solutions to positively impact the growing number of remote workers around the world. Hackathons encourage participants to tap into their creativity, and we look forward to the creative solutions technologists will come up with.

For technologists, the EPIC Tournament is the perfect opportunity to not only develop your skills and help remote workers but to ensure the industry notices you. Coding tournaments are a goldmine for organizations to seek out the talents of technologists who are showcasing their capabilities and their willingness to learn and grow!

Discussing the tournament, Carlos Carrascal, Senior Marketing Manager for Talent at Andela, says: 's Äö√Ñ√∫Talent exists all over the globe. Technology is creating more diverse and inclusive opportunities today than ever before - it doesn't matter where you were born, where you live, your age, or your gender. At Andela, we created the EPIC tournament as a space for engineers to showcase their skills, represent their country, have fun, and be part of the best team in their region - and the world."

For more details and registration on the EPIC tournament, please visit here.

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