What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

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People who are new to Salesforce often think that it’s a single product: An out-of-the-box customer relationship management (CRM) system. In reality, Salesforce delivers a wide range of tools and services that address countless business challenges and target specific functions. In order to understand how to best leverage Salesforce in your business, the first thing you need to know is that Salesforce calls its tools and services “clouds.”

There are 15 different clouds in the Salesforce ecosystem. Learning just a little bit about each one makes it easy to see what a huge difference Salesforce can make in your organization. In this article, we’re going to focus on Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

So, what is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Your customers are online right now, and it’s critical to reach them with the right message at exactly the right time. Salesforce Marketing Cloud helps businesses do just that so you can increase revenue and create more loyal clients. This is Salesforce’s marketing automation and customer engagement toolkit that enables your team to develop and nurture genuine relationships with your customers.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud has built-in solutions for engaging customers across a range of channels in real time, including social media, email, texts, and other content. Their popular Journey Builder feature allows your team to easily create and map the entire customer lifecycle so you can give your customers cross-channel personalized experiences at every stage of their journey.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud helps you reach more customers in less time with smart automations, data-driven messaging, and analytics that tell you precisely what is going on with each customer, so your marketers and salespeople know just what to do next. Simply put, Marketing Cloud efficiently supercharges your marketing efforts without losing the human touch.

Key benefits of Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  • Real-time customer engagement
  • Marketing automations across all channels
  • Mobile (SMS) push notifications and messaging
  • Visually map entire customer lifecycle
  • 1-to-1 personalization with a 360 degree view of each customer

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