What does the future of remote work look like?

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For National Techies Day 2022, we brought in perspectives from two Andela executives working at the frontlines of tech innovation and acceleration across the industry. Our VP of Product, Courtney Machi, spoke to the ways in which leaders can prioritize diversity and inclusion on their teams. Sachin Bhagwat, our Chief Revenue Officer, shared thoughts on the impact that remote work will have on technology in the future.

How can we work together to make the tech landscape more inclusive?

Courtney Machi: If we want more diversity and inclusion in technology, it has to be part of the conversation all the time. As we all know, things get done when they are prioritized so it's got to be a goal. Have a goal to have half your leadership team be women or people of color. Have a goal to start an internship program that's geared at under-represented groups. Have a goal to join a mentorship program. Whatever it is, just create a goal and prioritize.

How will technology change as work and collaboration become more distributed?

Sachin Bhagwat: Remote work has been here for some time, but as we all know, Covid has accelerated the adoption. Technology plays an important role here. We can categorize it into various buckets. New tools have emerged, for example asynchronous communication such as Slack, Teams, and other forms of chat are widely used today. Synchronous communication and in-person interaction are replaced with tools such as Zoom, WebEx, and even more innovative tools like Owl.

Remote work bridges the gap between physical and digital work and tools like Google Docs, Evernote, and Office Suite of products powered by omni-present cloud solutions will continue to have an everlasting shift in remote adoption. So technology is here to change the way we communicate and do work in the future.

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