Lami and Andela: Healthcare coverage for Kenya

Lami and Andela are offering premium healthcare coverage for Andela community members to purchase

Kenya-based techies, do we have an incentive for you!

At Andela, we're committed to the health and well-being of our community. And to ensure we're providing the right support to our community, Andela Talent Network members now have access to a growing list of benefits to aid their well-being and help them to achieve their goals. 

We partner with trusted providers so that our community and their families can access high-quality healthcare memberships at favorable rates, regardless of their employment status.

Kenya: Lami has got you covered!

We're proud to announce that we've renegotiated membership terms with our Kenya-based healthcare provider, Lami, to ensure that our Kenyan technologists receive more affordable premiums and faster access to healthcare! Rates have dropped, waiting periods have been waived, and you can now create custom coverage plans!

Andela has brought Lami's offering exclusively to our network of Andelans, so to take part in the healthcare scheme, you'll be required to pay for coverage yourself. 

Lami and Andela have updated their agreement to include the following improvements:

  • Premium rates are now anywhere from 6 to 23% lower than previous rates, depending on age bracket and number of dependents.
  • Waiting periods have been waived
  • No co-payments at hospitals.
  • Custom coverage plans. 
  • Higher dental/vision coverage included in all plans.
  • Wellness program. 
  • Flexible payment options with up to 3 instalments. 

Why should you consider healthcare coverage as a Kenyan technologist?

Security and well-being: In addition to accessing meaningful employment opportunities, we all want to ensure the safety and well-being of ourselves and our loved ones. Health insurance protects you from the unexpected, so you can support yourself with a sense of security and well-being. 

Success: Sound mind in a sound body! Healthcare coverage takes care of your physical and mental health needs, enabling you to thrive in both your personal and work life. This can then help you succeed in a long-term working relationship with your team and organization.

Financial Protection: Even if you're young, it's important to be prepared for any eventuality. With health insurance coverage, you can plan for unforeseen health needs and ease the financial burden of high medical bills. 

Want to find out more about Lami's healthcare coverage? Then watch our informative webinar!

Andela: Putting our community first

We value our community members. From connecting them to exciting roles at some of the world's best organizations to offering support and guidance through their careers, we want technologists to feel valued and welcomed.

If you're a technologist looking for a new challenge, why not join the Andela talent network?

Find out more about our healthcare memberships and the regions we cover - and discover what Andela can do for you!

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