How Engineers Choose Where to Work #GrowthWithAndela

We have launched the #GrowWithAndela campaign this month to shed more light on the nature of work software engineers do at Andela. A survey we conducted over the last few weeks showed that the following factors polled highest among engineers when choosing where to work:1. Professional growth and Learning: They want jobs that assure that they continue to learn and grow as they work.2. Interesting & Diverse Problems to Solve: The chance to work on projects that are worthwhile — they are both challenging and exciting, as well as impactful.3. Flexible and Remote Work: Real estate and geography shouldn't get in the way of how you work. Where work is done from is not as important as actually getting the work done.4. Competitive Pay & Benefits: Being properly compensated for work done is a metric that polls well across the board, and rightly so.5. Fun Culture + Elite Engineering Team: Because people spend more time at work and around colleagues (physically or remotely) than they do anywhere else, work culture and the kind of colleagues matter a great deal.With the#GrowWithAndela campaign, we're keen on showcasing the Andela experience to software engineers across the continent. The factors listed above all play into our value propositions as a company. Some of the best engineers on the continent work at Andela, and are masters of remote and distributed work. Also, Andela consistently polls well among the best places to work in Africa. [See our updated engineering framework.]Over the coming weeks, we will be hosting Remote Heroes events across all our locations. These events will bring together tech industry leaders and senior software engineers to discuss the evolving nature and future of work. Some of our engineers will also speak on the work they do and the impact they're making.To register to attend a Remote Heroes event, please visit the campaign page to confirm when we're hosting one in a city near you. Follow updates on the campaign on our Social Media accounts.

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