10,000 Grow With Google Developer Scholarships With Pluralsight

The Andela Learning Community (ALC) is happy to announce a new learning track for graduates of the Google Africa Scholarship Challenge. Courtesy of a partnership with Pluralsight and Google, 10,000 aspiring technologists will benefit from the Grow With Google Scholarships program for Android and Mobile Web. This opportunity is also open to Developer Student Clubs, GDGs and other aspiring and professional developers across Africa.The Andela Learning Community, launched in January 2017, is Andela’s broader outreach program set up to expand the pool of technology talent on the continent. It rides on our overarching mission to advance human potential by powering today’s teams and investing in tomorrow’s leaders.Since its inception, in partnership with companies like Google and Udacity, the ALC has trained and assisted over 23,000 developers and produced over 12,000 graduates across 17+ countries in Africa.The 10,000 Grow With Google Scholarship program will run for a 4-month period, with Pluralsight providing training content on its platform, and the ALC providing mentorship and technical support to the learners. Participants who complete the program will earn Google Certifications in either Android or Mobile Web, as a demonstration of job readiness.We will be publishing follow-up info on the program subsequently.

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